There are some reasons why silicone products are considered environmentally friendly.

Highly durable.

Silicone is known for its durability and can withstand extreme conditions because it will not break or deform when exposed to extreme heat or cold. It has been found that tiny particles in plastics and other materials can cause harm to organisms such as marine organisms. silicone molding manufacturer This kind of damage can be reduced by using silicone products that cannot be broken down into smaller particles, and will not cause harm when ingested.

The raw materials are taken from natural resources.Silica gel is made of a material called silica, which comes from strongly heated sand. Sand is very rich, and the process of manufacturing silica gel will not pollute the environment, because it does not need to use materials such as petroleum.

They are easily disposed of.

When they burn at high temperatures, they will not release any harmful gases or elements, because their residue is its ashes. This is good for the environment, because no toxic substances are discharged into the environment, thus protecting the natural state of the environment.

It can be recycled.

Silica gel is highly recyclable and can be used as a substitute for disposable plastics because these plastics will eventually be discarded on land or in the ocean. Silica gel can be cleaned and reused because it is durable and has a long lifespan, unlike plastic.

They are easy to clean.

These silicone products have a smooth texture and are made of materials that do not contain microorganisms. This quality makes silicone cookware and silicone bowls easy to clean, and also helps reduce the use of disposable plastic.

They can withstand high temperatures.

Silica gel can withstand temperatures up to 200 degrees Celsius and will not release any gas when exposed to extreme temperatures. This feature makes it environmentally friendly, because silica gel does not release toxins when exposed to high temperatures, unlike plastic that melts and emits dangerous gases to the environment.

Best for storing food.

Silicone is considered to be the safest food storage because it does not contain any harmful chemicals, unlike plastic that emits harmful chemicals (such as bisphenol A) and is notorious, which makes it unsuitable for food storage.
