The future development of mini vape market

The birth of any industry will go through such a process, the embryonic period - the chaotic period - the development period - the explosion period - the decline period, that is, the rise of opposition, the outbreak of discussion, and the end of applause. The mini vape market is also inseparable from this rule. How many people around you really understand mini vape, understand the criticism online, and understand the suppression of certain industries. Still, with the growing popularity of mini vapes, smoking has taken on a new image, with smoking now becoming inhalation. Mini vape is so revolutionary that a pharmaceutical industry report also stated that "mini vape will completely change the image of smoking and may threaten the smoking cessation market."


Even public health officials who have been campaigning against tobacco for more than 25 years applaud the prospects of the mini vape market, saying it could be a product that could change the way people think about tobacco for the rest of the year.


Joel Nitsky, chairman of the Tobacco Control Working Group of the American Association of Public Health Physicians, said: "We have good reason to believe that mini vapes are 1% less dangerous than tobacco-containing cigarettes." The experimental guidelines are equivalent to banning mini vapes. But if we allowed all smokers to switch from regular cigarettes to mini vapes, we could reduce the number of deaths in the United States from more than 400,000 per person per year to less than 4,000, maybe even 400.


So why is the mini vape market developing so fast? The reason is inseparable from its advantages.


Compared with ordinary cigarettes


1. Healthier


Compared with ordinary cigarettes, mini vapes do not contain tar, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, hydrocyanic acid, acrolein, arsenic, lead, mercury and other harmful substances, and will not cause any harm to smokers. In addition, nicotine solution atomizes to form aerosols, which are quickly diluted in the air, while low-density aerosols are difficult to reabsorb and will not form second-hand smoke. Therefore, mini vapes do not harm the health of smokers and those around them.


2. Safer


mini vapes do not burn and have no open flames, so there is no fire hazard.

